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Living The Call

Graduates of the 3-year training program have gone on to various ministries according to their unique gifts and callings. They remain committed to integrating relational discipleship into their unique ministries.


Preaching Ministries

Graduates have become preaching pastors of new local churches and participate in preaching for large evangelistic meetings.  WDI graduates incorporate the core discipleship principles into evangelistic efforts by working to ensure that new believers are connected to other believers for discipling and help local leaders improve their discipleship training.


Training Ministries

Graduates have formed discipling relationships with leaders in other churches and communities. Through these relationships they are equipping other leaders with skills for studying scripture, building healthier relationships, and encouraging others to identify their gifts and live out their unique calling. 

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Education Ministries

​Graduates working as educators have leveraged the training for ministering to the children in their schools, the teachers they employ, and for impacting their communities through relationships with the student’s parents. 


Compassion Ministries

Graduates regularly interact with their communities in small and large ways to show the love of Christ in action.  These acts of compassion and kindness open the door for others to experience unconditional love and become curious about the source of that love.

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